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Urology Documentation, Coding, and Billing

Education and Certification Products

Live In-Person Seminars

Urology Advanced Coding and Reimbursement Seminar (UACRS)

  • Las Vegas, December  6th and 7th, 2024
  • New Orleans, Jan25th and 26th, 2025

Keeping up with all the changes Is complicated!
Find out what you need to know at the Seminar.

Information and Registration

Live Virtual Seminars

Urology Advanced Coding and Reimbursement VIRTUAL Seminar (UACRS) 

  • July 27th, 2024,from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm EST
  • Live Zoom meeting 

Master the most important concepts and changes in urology coding and reimbursement

Information and Registration

Online Courses for Urologists

Documentation, Coding, and Billing Fellowship - Urology (DCB-FS)

 The "Soup to Nuts" course on Urology Documentation, Coding, and Billing
  • The complete course on urology documentation, coding, and billilng.
  • Learn the concepts, how to apply them, and practice doing it.
  •  On-line, on demand, course videos and assessments
Ensure you are paid accurately for ALL services provided
Information and Registration

Online Courses for Urology Coders

Documentation, Coding, and Billing CertificationAccurate identification of all services.

  • Bring more value
  •  On-line, on demand, course videos and assessments
  • Save time
  • Make more money
Information and Registration